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Bryce Allan

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Bryce Allan

After writing a feature article on Johnny Cash, Bryce Allan seriously began to consider music as a career. What a ten year old fails to realize is that his dream in music would require a lot more work than simply dressing ‘All In Black’. With a love of life and infectious candor Bryce embraced the challenge.  Having a strong and powerful voice his music training began at an early age and Stage Opera seemed like a good fit. Although Bryce enjoyed the time he spent in Opera, he could not get the days of listening to country music and strumming the guitar with his Dad out of his mind.  After a family trip to Nashville and a visit to the Grand Ole Opry, it became an obvious decision to start playing the tunes he loved and was nourished on. Don't worry though, he is always ready to put that great baritone voice to use and perform to any of his fans who may request a little opera to spice up their evening.  As Bryce Allan continues to perfect his skills he is excited about his current project of completing his first solo album.  



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